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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 24-06-2024

Mahendra Guru

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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC Exam special quiz series will mould your preparations in the right direction, and the regular practice of these quizzes will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you with the critical question of English Language for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC.

Q.1-7.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

The uncontrolled growth of the population this century has posed a huge dilemma and has brought with it irreversible damage to all aspects of life -including the environment that people live in and the health and welfare of the family. Keeping in mind that if the economic, societal and cultural factors do not expand to keep in line with the growth of the population, then this population growth will definitely have a negative impact on the well-being of the entire society. Whereas 150 years ago, the population of the world was a mere 500,000,000 people, at the
present time, there are currently over 6,000,000,000 people inhabiting the planet Earth and this number is on the increase as can be seen by the current growth of population of the world. We must also keep in mind that 90% of this increase has taken place within the non-Industrialized countries of the world. Iran is also one of those countries in the category of those whose population growth has led to a change within the society. Due to the improvement of the state of health and medicine at the present time in comparison to the past, the number of deaths and mortalities, especially the death and mortality rate amongst children, has dropped. However, the number of births within the country has also gone up. In the census of 1966, the population of Iran was close to 26,000,000. However, during the census of 1986–meaning during the span of twenty years -this number had almost doubled, and the population reached close to 50,000,000. Keeping this increase in mind, it can be stated that by the year 2021, the population of Iran may well be 100,000,000. In addition, according to the statistics of the median age of the population taken from the various indicators of the growth and planning of families within the Islamic Republic of Iran that were gathered in the month of Tir, 1997, 36.7% of the population of Iran were under the age of 15. It is clear that the securing of food resources, work, residence, health, ways to spend free time, education, etc.… for a population that is on the increase is one of the most essential issues in the path of expanding the economic situation and in maintaining the society. In their responsibility as assistants in helping in family planning within the country (of Iran), in addition to the above-mentioned opinions, the Ministry of Health has also strived to present the outlook in relation to population control. Both the mothers and their children –are two groups that face more of the societal pressures. It was necessary to go forth in the correct manner (in educating others) to help prevent the death of these individuals. Thus, following in the direction of other political developments that have been taking place with the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the year 1989, population control was included as one of the principal programs of the Ministry of Health. The outcome of this step forward was a decrease in the growth of the population which in the year 1986 was approximately 3.9% to around 1.4% in the year 1996.

Q-1 Which leading program of the Ministry of Health was embraced and what result was seen?

A. Population control and the outcome was a decrease in the growth of the population.

B. Population control and the outcome was an increase in the growth of the population.

C. Political developments and the outcome was an increase in the growth of the economy.

(1) Only A

(2) Both A and B

(3) Only B

(4) Both B and C

(5) All of the above

Q-2 Which of the following, according to the passage, has been considered as two groups?

(1) Not given in the passage

(2) Both the mothers and their children

(3) Both the mothers and their family

(4) Both the Industrialized and non-Industrialized countries

(5) Both 3 and 4

Q-3 In the path of broadening the economic condition, which of the following is one of the most indispensable concerns for the ever-increasing population?

A. securing of food resources

B. securing of work and residence

C. securing of health, ways to spend free time, education

(1) Only A

(2) Both A and B

(3) Only B

(4) Both B and C

(5) All of the above

Q-4 Which of the following statements cannot be said firmly in the context of the passage?

(A) In the coming years, the population of Iran is It's definitely going to increase out of proportion.

(B) Many years ago, the population of the world was only 500 million people.

(C) Mortality rates for the cohorts, population-changing episodes of migration, fatal disease, and armed conflict are always possible in Iran.

(1) Only A

(2) Only B

(3) Only C

(4) Only A and B

(5) Only B and C

Q-5 Which of the following statements is/are TRUE in the context of the passage?

(1) In the census of 1986, the number had nearly reached two-fold.

(2) The number of births within the country has mounted.

(3) 90% of the increment in the population has taken place within the non-Industrialized countries of the world.

(4) The Ministry of Health has struggled to withhold the aspect vis-à-vis population control.

(5) All except (4)

Q-6 What favourable effect has been witnessed due to betterment in the state of health and medicine?

(A) Female infanticide has been eliminated.

 (B) The number of medical checkups and medical camps has increased.

(C) The number of deaths and mortalities among children has dropped.

(D) The number of cases of untimely death has been evaporated.

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B

(3) Both A and B 

(4) Only C

(5) Only D

Q-7 Which of the following factors needs (s) to be expanded to track the proliferation of

(A) Factors of Health and Welfare

(B) Economic factor

(C) Societal factor

(D) Cultural factor

(E) Population and Economic factor

(F) Economic and Social factor

(1) Only A, B and C

(2) Only D, E and F

(3) Only A, E and F

(4) Only A, B and E

(5) Only B, C and D

Q-8 In which of the following aspects much adverse effect has been seen in the context of the passage?

(A) The surroundings in which the people live

(B) Salubrity and well-being of the family

(C) Infant births in the family

(D) Unimpeded ballooning of population

(1) Only A and B

(2) Only A,B and D

(3) Only A, C and D

(4) Only C and D

(5) Only A and D

. In each of the given questions, one statement with a blank is given along with four words. Two of the given words can fit into the given blank. Five options with various combinations of these words are given. Pick up the combination of the words that fit into the blank.

Q-9 ‘Make in India’ is ambitious to see India on the world map as a manufacturing hub and give global _________ to the Indian economy.

A. recognition

B. impetus


D. assay

(1) A – D

(2) A – C 

(3) A – B

(4) B – C 

(5) C – D

Q-10 Vidharba, which sees the most farmer suicides, saw a _________ in the deaths. But depressingly, the number of farmers choosing suicide is the highest in the state by a fair margin.

A. increment


C. spike


(1) A – C

 (2) B – D 

(3) B – C

(4) A – D

 (5) C – D

Q-11 Even after accounting for exports aided by the government, the industry is likely to hold 11.3–12.3 mt of stock, which is equivalent to 5.3 months of domestic ___________, which is the highest in ten years.

A. wastage

B. consumption

C. wield

D. exhaust

(1) B – C 

(2) A – C 

(3) C – D

(4) A – D 

(5) A – B

Answers:- Q.1 (1) Q.2 (2) Q.3 (5) Q.4 (3) Q.5 (5) Q.6 (4) Q.7 (5) Q.8 (1) Q.9 (3) Q.10 (2)

Q.11 (1)


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