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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 28-06-2024

Mahendra Guru

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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC Exam special quiz series will mould your preparations in the right direction, and the regular practice of these quizzes will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you with the critical question of English Language for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC.

Q.1-5. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Certain words have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some questions.

Today, the problem in most organizations isn’t simply that management is inefficient; it’s that the role and purpose of a manager haven’t kept pace with what’s needed. These have become the default dimensions of a manager. But they relate to pursuing a fixed target in a stable landscape. Take away the stability of the landscape, and one needs to start thinking about the fluidity of the target. This is what’s happening today, and managers must move away from the friendly confines. What will be needed from managers is to think differently about the future in order to shape the impact AI will have on their industry. This means spending more time exploring the implications of AI, helping others extend their own frontiers of knowledge, and learning through experimentation to develop new practices. While facing new situations, the best managers create leadership circles or groups of peers from across the firm, to gain more perspective about problems and solutions. Managers need to be bringing a diverse set of thinking styles to bear on the challenges they face. Truly breakaway thinking gets its spark from the playful experimentation of many people exchanging their views, integrating their experiences, and imagining different futures. Managers often encourage predictability. They want things nailed down, systems in place, and existing performance measures high. That way, the operation can be fully justifiable, one that runs the same way year in and out. The problem with this mode is it leads managers to focus only on what they know — on perpetuating the status quo at the expense of what is possible. Organizations need managers to think much more about innovating beyond the status quo and not just in the face of challenges. Many jobs devolve into trying to please one’s supervisor. The emphasis on customers, competitors, innovations, marketplace trends, and organizational performance morphs too easily into what the manager wants to be done today — and how he or she wants it done. Anyone who has worked for a boss probably knows the feeling. The job of a manager must be permanently recast from an employer to an entrepreneur. Being entrepreneurial is a mode of thinking, one that can help us see things we normally overlook and do things we normally avoid. Thinking like an entrepreneur simply means to expand your perception and increase your action — both of which are important for finding new gateways for development. And this would make organizations more future-facing more vibrant, alert, playful and open to the perpetual novelty it brings.

Q-1 According to the passage, which of the following statements is/are NOT TRUE?

(1) There is no need to introduce a diverse set of thinking style to bear the challenges faced by the managers.

(2) The creation of leadership circles or groups of peers from across the firm, to gain more perspective about problems and solutions is done by best managers

(3) The need that managers must think much more about innovation and not just in the face of
challenges has arisen.

(4) The managers need to think differently about the future in order to give heed to the impact AI will have on their industry.

(5) None of the above is true

Q-2 As per the passage, what are the aspects usually preferred by the managers of an organisation concerned?

A. The managers usually prefer things which are perfectly done.

B. The managers tend to focus on the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.

C. Also, managers stick to predictability in the daily operations of the business concerned.

(1) Only (A) 

(2) Only (B)

(3) Only (B) and (C) 

(4) Only (A) and (B)

(5) All (A), (B) and (C)

3-According to the passage, how does the perception of entrepreneur differ from a normal individual?

(1) An entrepreneur has a way of thinking through which he overlooks the happenings of the business concerned.

(2) The businessman has a capacity of expanding his perception and increase the course of action accordingly.

(3) An entrepreneur has a dearth of the ability to look for new spheres of growth and development for the business.

(4) An entrepreneur has an ideology of impounding the possibilities of business to become more agile.

(5) All of the above.

Q-4In the following question,a word is given, find the most OPPOSITE word in meaning to the given word.


(1) Splinter 

(2) Crumble

(3) Disintegrate 

(4) Retain

(5) Shatter

Q-5-With reference to the passage, what is inferred from the phrase, ‘The status quo’?

A. The status between the employees and the employer.

B. It refers to continuing the actions which have happened already.

C. The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.

(1) Only (A)

 (2) Only (B)

(3) Only (C) 

(4) Only (A) and (C)

(5) All (A), (B) and (C)

 In each of the following questions, one sentence is given with three blanks, followed by five options containing three words each. Choose the correct alternative of which all the three words make the sentence meaningful. The words will be filled in the blanks in the respective order as given in the option.

Q-6The live stage performer was full of zest and she ________ around the lounge _________ her favorite pop star but also mimic his ________.

(1) pranced / impersonating / smugness

(2) danced / accompanying/ beard

(3) turned / cajoling / style

(4) both (1) and (3)

(5) None of these

7-The increased ________ was so distasteful to me that felt like _______ the eardrums and the ________ of loudness lasted all day in me

(1) tinnitus / rupturing / wriggle

(2) wriggle / hissing / commotion

(3) commotion / rupturing / tinnitus

(4) clamor / ringing / wriggle

(5) rupture / hissing / clamor

Q-8 The man was at _________ after the opposition ________ that all the attestations were __________.

(1) repose / confessed / facetious

(2) respite / conceded / frivolous

(3) relax / decided / idiotic

(4) Both (1) and (2)

(5) Both (2) and (3)

Q-9 After continuous counseling in the family court the couple decided to _________ the divorce as they wanted to _______ their relationship and _________ their roles.

(1) resign / resonate / embrace

(2) rescind / revive / emend

(3) revise / resist / eminent

(4) resonate / reprimand / emulate

(5) restraint / reluctant / empathy

Q-10- The ________ in the travel due to landslide did not ________ the _______ of tourist, instead they entertained themselves by playing different games inside the bus.

(1) logjam / overturn / glee

(2) glee/ logjam / overturn

(3) overturn / glee / logjam

(4) Both (1) and (2)

(5) None of these

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