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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |16-09-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's

 1. ABEYANCE (NOUN): (निलम्बन): suspension

Synonyms: suspense, remission 

Antonyms: in hand

Example Sentence:

Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

2. BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): (शीतोष्ण): temperate

Synonyms: mild, gentle

Antonyms: harsh

Example Sentence:

The climate becomes more benign as we move nearer to the Black Sea.

3. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting

Synonyms: different, differing

Antonyms: homogeneous

Example Sentence:

They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.

4. LUMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चमकदार): shining

Synonyms: bright, brilliant

Antonyms:  dark

Example Sentence:

The dial on his watch was luminous.

 5. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart

Synonyms:  restarting, reopening

Antonyms:  suspension, abandonment

Example Sentence:

We are hoping for an early resumption of peace talks.

6. SOUR (ADJECTIVE): (चिड़चिड़ा): nasty

Synonyms:   resentful, embittered

Antonyms: pleasant

Example Sentence:

He gave her a sour look.

7. EXODUS (NOUN): (प्रस्थान): leaving

Synonyms:  withdrawal, evacuation

Antonyms: arrival

Example Sentence:

The condemnation gave rise to an exodus to Rome.

8. STRAINED (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वाभाविक): forced

Synonyms: constrained, laboured

Antonyms: natural

Example Sentence:

She gave a strained laugh.

9. MERITORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सराहनीय): praiseworthy

Synonyms: laudable commendable

Antonyms:  worthless

Example Sentence:

I got a medal for my meritorious conduct.

10. CRAMP (VERB): (बाधा डालना): hinder

Synonyms: impede, inhibit

Antonyms: facilitate

Example Sentence:

Tighter rules cramp economic growth.


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