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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |20-09-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's



Synonyms: all-inclusive, complete

Antonyms: partial

Example Sentence:

I have a comprehensive collection of photographs.

2.  ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former

Synonyms: old, past

Antonyms: present

Example Sentence:

The erstwhile president of the company was loved by all.

3.  ONSET (NOUN): (शुरुआत): start

Synonyms: beginning, arrival

Antonyms: end

Example Sentence:

The onset of the flu was abrupt with fever followed by vomiting.

4.  CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement

Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding

Antonyms: provocation

Example Sentence:

He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation. 

5.   SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize

Synonyms: find fault with, censure

Antonyms: praise


Jenny heard him stride away slamming him for his behaviour.

6.  UPHEAVAL (NOUN): (उथल-पुथल): disruption

Synonyms: upset, disturbance

Antonyms: stability

Example Sentence:

Major upheavals have hit the financial markets this year.

7.  FURTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): secret

Synonyms: secretive, surreptitious

Antonyms: open

Example Sentence:

They spent a furtive day together.

8.  REPUDIATION (NOUN): (अस्वीकृति): rejection

Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment

Antonyms: confirmation

Example Sentence:

The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract.

9. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशज): native

Synonyms: aboriginal, local

Antonyms: expatriate

Example Sentence:

The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.

10.  DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (बरख़ास्त करना): disband

Synonyms: decommission, discharge

Antonyms: conscript

Example Sentence:

He was demobilized in February 1946.


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