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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |01-10-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's

 1. SCRAP (VERB): (फेंक देना): throw away

Synonyms: throw out, get rid of 

Antonyms: keep

Example Sentence:

A bold decision was taken to scrap existing plant.

2. NOTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (उल्लेखनीय): noteworthy

Synonyms:  remarkable, outstanding

Antonyms: insignificant

Example Sentence:

The gardens are notable for their collection of magnolias and camellias.

3. SCRUTINY (NOUN): (जांच): inspection

Synonyms: survey, scan

Antonyms: glance

Example Sentence:

he checked her weapons with scrutiny that would've made her father proud.

4. SCANTY (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre

Synonyms: scant, minimal

Antonyms:  abundant

Example Sentence:

They paid whatever they could out of their scanty wages to their families.

 5. ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण): repudiation

Synonyms:  revocation, repeal

Antonyms:   institution

Example Sentence:

They have regarded the law’s renewal and abrogation with about equal anxiety. 

6.  GRIEVANCE (NOUN): (शिकायत): complaint

Synonyms: criticism, objection

Antonyms:  commendation

Example Sentence:

He was nursing a grievance.

7. FLIMSY (ADJECTIVE): (असाध्य): insubstantial

Synonyms:  slight, light

Antonyms: sturdy

Example Sentence:

The huts are relatively few and flimsy.

8. EVENTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (व्यस्त): busy

Synonyms: event-filled, action-packed

Antonyms: dull

Example Sentence:

His long and eventful life.

9. SKETCHY (ADJECTIVE): (अधूरा): incomplete

Synonyms: inadequate, limited

Antonyms:  detailed

Example Sentence:

The information they had was sketchy.

10. EMBARRASSMENT (NOUN): (शर्मिंदगी): awkwardness

Synonyms: self-consciousness, unease

Antonyms:  confidence

Example Sentence:

I turned red with embarrassment.

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Daily Current Affairs 01-10-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's

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पीएम मोदी ने महाराष्ट्र में ₹11,200 करोड़ से अधिक की परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन और शिलान्यास किया

2. Jamaica PM Dr. Andrew Holness will pay official visit to India

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3. Nation remembering Lata Mangeshkar on her 95th birth anniversary

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9. Indian Army celebrating 198th Gunners Day

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