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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |17-10-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's

 1. Fortuitous (Adjective) : आकस्मिक: Happening by chance rather than intention

Synonyms: Unexpected,Unanticipated, Coincidental

Antonyms: Predictable

Example Sentence : His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.

2. Inflation (Noun): महंगाई: A general, continuous increase in price

Synonyms: Gain,Rise,Escalation

Antonyms: Depreciation,Decrease

Example Sentence : Because of inflation the bread that used to cost eighty cents

now costs one dollar and fifty cents.

3. Amiable (Adjective) : स्नेही: Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner

Synonyms: Warm-Hearted, Likable, Cordial

Antonyms: Unfriendly, Disagreeable

Example Sentence : Behind that amiable facade, he's a deeply unpleasant man.

4. Nadir (Noun) : बिल्कुल निम्न स्तर: The lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation

Synonyms: Rock-Bottom

Antonyms: Zenith, Acme

Example Sentence : After not being able to find a job after a year, Clint realized he'd reached his professional nadir.

5.  IMMORAL (ADJECTIVE): (अनैतिक): Unethical

Synonyms: Bad, Wrongful

Antonyms: Moral

Example Sentence:

Her behaviour was seemingly immoral.

6.  Harbinger : अग्रदूत: A person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another

Synonyms: Herald, Augury

Antonyms: Withhold, Conceal

Example Sentence : I tremble at every sound, and every footstep seems to be the harbinger of some disaster.

7. ACADEMIC (ADJECTIVE): (सैद्धांतिक): Theoretical

Synonyms: Conceptual, Notional

Antonyms: Practical

Example Sentence:

The debate has been largely academic.

8.   Uptick (Noun) : तेजी: A small increase or slight upward trend

Synonyms: Increase, Boost, Gain

Antonyms: Reduction, Falloff

Example Sentence : People didn’t notice the uptick in temperature from yesterday to today since it went from 32 to 34 degrees.

9. Volatile (Adjective) : अस्थिर: Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse

Synonyms: Inconsistent, Eruptive

Antonyms: Stable, Constant

Example Sentence : Because Mary and Frank have a volatile relationship, they often argue.

10. Clamour (Verb) : शोर मचाना: A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting

Synonyms: Din, Uproar

Example Sentence : As a ruler, he showed wisdom and courage, and disregarded any effort to influence his policy by clamour.


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