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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |22-10-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's


1.  PERFUNCTORY (ADJECTIVE): (सरसरी): cursory

Synonyms: desultory,quick

Antonyms: careful

Example Sentence:

He gave a perfunctory nod. 

2. IRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यपूर्ण): sarcastic

Synonyms: sardonic,dry

Antonyms: sincere


His mouth curved into an ironic smile.

3. CONCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निर्णायक): incontrovertible

Synonyms: incontestable, irrefutable 

Antonyms: inconclusive

Example Sentence:

They produced some fairly conclusive evidence.

4. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (जोर देना): underline

Synonyms: emphasize, stress

Antonyms: understate

Example Sentence:

The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.

5.  BICKER (VERB): (झगड़ना): squabble

Synonyms: argue, quarrel

Antonyms: agree

Example Sentence:

Couples who bicker over who gets what from the divorce.

6.   ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): (अलंकृत): ornate

Synonyms: fancy, curlicue

Antonyms: plain

Example Sentence:

The present building, in florid rococo style, dates from 1744-1767.

7. FLOUNDER (VERB): (संघर्ष करना): struggle

Synonyms: thrash, thresh

Antonyms: prosper

Example Sentence:

He was floundering about in the shallow offshore waters.

8.   BIZARRE (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): strange

Synonyms: peculiar, odd

Antonyms: ordinary

Example Sentence:

I can't believe we're getting involved in something so bizarre.

9. TREACHEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटी): traitorous

Synonyms: disloyal, perfidious

Antonyms: loyal

Example Sentence:

I hear that the old man has broken with that treacherous son of his.

10. COAX (VERB): (मनवाना): persuade

Synonyms: wheedle, cajole

Antonyms: dissuade

Example Sentence:

The trainees were coaxed into doing boring work.


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