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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |08-10-2024

Anupriya Mahendra's


1. INDICT (VERB): (आरोप लगाना): charge with

Synonyms: accuseof,arraignfor

Antonyms: acquit


His former manager was indicted for fraud.

2. PERSISTENT (ADJECTIVE): (लगातार): tenacious

Synonyms: persevering, determined

Antonyms: irresolute

Example Sentence:

An attempt was made to stop persistent drink-drivers.

3. FIERCE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): ferocious

Synonyms: savage, vicious

Antonyms: gentle

Example Sentence:

Fierce fighting continued all day long.

4. FAVORABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अनुकूल): approving

Synonyms: commendatory, commending

Antonyms: unfavorable

Example Sentence:

The exhibition received favorable reviews.

5. DENOUNCE (VERB): (निन्दा करना): condemn

Synonyms: criticize, attack

Antonyms: praise

Example Sentence:

The Assembly denounced the use of violence.

6.  CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर): grave 

Synonyms: serious, dangerous

Antonyms: safe

Example Sentence:

The floodwaters had not receded and the situation was still critical.

7. ABSOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): (पूर्ण): complete

Synonyms: total, utter

Antonyms: partial

Example Sentence:

We needed to ensure absolute secrecy.

8.  ACCELERATE (VERB): (गति बढ़ाना): speed up

Synonyms: hurry up, get a move on

Antonyms: decelerate

Example Sentence:

Inflation started to accelerate.

9. IMBECILE (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्ख): stupid

Synonyms: foolish, idiotic

Antonyms: intelligent

Example Sentence:

Try not to make imbecile remarks.

10. SHUN (VERB): (बचना): avoid

Synonyms: evade, eschew

Antonyms: accept

Example Sentence:

I shunned his ideas completely.


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