1. RELEGATE (VERB): (नीचा दिखाना): downgrade
Synonyms: lower, put down
Antonyms: upgrade
Example Sentence:
They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role.
2. PREFATORY (ADJECTIVE): (प्रारंभिक): introductory
Synonyms: preliminary, opening
Antonyms: final
Example Sentence:
His prefatory remarks the author claims that
3. INVOKE (VERB): (आह्वान करना): cite
Synonyms: adduce, instance
Antonyms: waive
Example Sentence:
The antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England.
4. EXTREMISM (NOUN): (अतिवाद): fanaticism
Synonyms: radicalism, zealotry
Antonyms: moderation
Example Sentence:
The dangers of racist extremism are present everywhere.
5. ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): (बेतरतीब): capricious
Synonyms: whimsical, random
Antonyms: rational
Example Sentence:
He just ends up taking arbitrary decisions.
6. PERTURB (VERB): (घबड़ा देना): worry
Synonyms: upset, unsettle
Antonyms: reassure
Example Sentence:
They were perturbed by her rude behavior.
7. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience
Synonyms: buoyancy,
Antonyms: gloom
Example Sentence:
He has a sense of youthful exuberance.
8. CHOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): rough
Synonyms: turbulent, heavy
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
Sea conditions are often very choppy.
9. RESILIENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): strong
Synonyms: tough, hardy
Antonyms: vulnerable
Example Sentence:
Babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize.
10. DISTORT (VERB): (बिगाड़ना): twist
Synonyms: misrepresent, pervert
Antonyms: accurate
Example Sentence:
Many facts in the newspaper were distorted.
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