1. CONTEMPLATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): thoughtful
Synonyms: pensive, reflective
Antonyms: active
Example Sentence:
She regarded me with a contemplative eye.
2. ADVERSARY (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): opponent
Synonyms: rival, enemy
Antonyms: ally
Example Sentence:
Rita beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals.
3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
4. SUCCUMB (VERB): (दबना): yield
Synonyms: give in, give way
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:
We cannot merely give up and succumb to despair.
5. ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): (बेतरतीब): capricious
Synonyms: whimsical, random
Antonyms: rational
Example Sentence:
He just ends up taking arbitrary decisions.
6. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (जरूरी): crucial
Synonyms: vital, essential
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:
Temperature is a critical factor in fruit storage.
7. CAPITULATE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना): surrender
Synonyms: give in, yield
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:
The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.
8. DISCHARGE (VERB): (उतार देना): unload
Synonyms: offload, empty
Antonyms: load
Example Sentence:
The ferry was discharging passengers.
9. LIGHT-HEARTED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसन्नचित): carefree
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery
Antonyms: miserable
Example Sentence:
We had an excited, light-hearted chatter.
10. STREAM (NOUN): (श्रृंखला): succession
Synonyms: series, string
Antonyms: trickle
Example Sentence:
A woman screamed a stream of abuse.
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