1. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): Speedy
Synonyms: Swift, Quick
Antonyms: Slow
Example Sentence:
2. PROMPT (VERB): (प्रेरित करना): Induce
Synonyms: Make, Move
Antonyms: Discourage
Example Sentence:
Curiosity prompted him to look inside.
3. REAP (NOUN): (प्राप्त करना): Receive
Synonyms: Obtain, Get
Antonyms: Lose
Example Sentence:
The company is reaping the benefits.
4. POST (PREPOSITION): (के उपरांत): Subsequent to
Synonyms: After
Antonyms: Before
Example Sentence:
American poetry post the 1950s hasn't had the same impact.
5. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (दुष्ट): wicked
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous
Antonyms: noble
Example Sentence:
We all know the pirates and their dastardly deeds.
6-RELIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): dependable
Synonyms: good, well founded
Antonyms: unreliable
Example Sentence:
Newspapers are no more a reliable source of information.
7. ACADEMIC (ADJECTIVE): (सैद्धांतिक): Theoretical
Synonyms: Conceptual, Notional
Antonyms: Practical
Example Sentence:
The debate has been largely academic.
8. RESOLVE (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): Determination
Synonyms: Resolution, Purpose
Antonyms: Indecision
Example Sentence:
She received information which had strengthened her resolve.
9. INFREQUENT (ADJECTIVE): (असामान्य): Rare
Synonyms: Uncommon Unusual
Antonyms: Frequent
Example Sentence:
Her visits were sudden and infrequent.
10. EARMARK (VERB): (चिह्नित करना): Set aside
Synonyms: Reserve, Appropriate
Antonyms: Use up
Example Sentence:
The cash had been earmarked for a big expansion of the programme.
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