1. Trove (Noun) : खज़ाऩा, गुप्त कोष: a store of valuable or delightful things; discovery, find
Synonyms: treasure, miscellanea, assortment
2. Stash (Verb): छुप़ा कर रखऩा: store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place
Synonyms: stockpile, store, cache, collection
Antonyms: dump, ditch, unload
Example Sentence:Lindsey uses an old shoe box to stash all of her photos.
3. Comply (Verb) : प़ालन करऩा: act in accordance with a wish or command
Synonyms: consent, defer, accede
Antonyms: disagree, differ, dissent, conflict
Example Sentence: The man was arrested because he refused to comply with the airline’s no smoking policy.
4. Indict (Verb) : दोष लग़ाऩा: formally accuse of or charge with a crime
Synonyms: accuse, prosecute, incriminate, blame
Antonyms: acquit, exonerate, vindicate
Example Sentence:The district attorney decided to indict the suspect for the murder, charging him only after his bloody fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
5. Empathy (Noun) : सम़ानुà¤ूति: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Synonyms: sympathy, pity, compassion
Antonyms: ruthlessness, mercilessness, apathy
Example Sentence: Doctors should develop empathy between themselves and patients.
6. Relinquish (Verb) : त्य़ागऩा : voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up
Synonyms: surrender, render, abandon
Antonyms: retain, keep, withhold
Example Sentence:When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness.
7. Vouch (Verb) : ग़ारंटी देऩा: assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true
Synonyms: certify, attest, witness, ensure, guarantee
Antonyms: undermine, weaken, enfeeble
Example Sentence:The bank believed the woman but would double check the woman’s financial background even though the woman did vouch that she earned $40,000 a year.
8. Caveat (Noun) : चेतावनी : a warning of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations
Synonyms: warning, caution, admonition
Example Sentence: There is, of course, a caveat to playing the stock market: not everyone will end up a winner.
9. Discretion (Noun) : विवेक: the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation; speaking to avoid revealing confidential information
Synonyms: prudence, wisdom, sense
Antonyms: indiscretion, imprudence
Example Sentence: Because my daughter spends money recklessly, I have to give out her allowance at my discretion.
10. Disparity (Noun) : असमानता: a difference in level or treatment, especially one that is seen as unfair
Synonyms: contrast, distinction, dissimilarity
Antonyms: similarity, alikeness
Example Sentence: Therefore, separate churches only add to the disparity between the races.
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