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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 25-02-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1. Disincentive (Noun): something that makes people not want to do something or not work hard

Synonyms: deterrent, discouragement, impediment

Antonyms: incentive, motivation, impetus, encouragement

 Example Sentence: Punishments serve as a disincentive, attempting to deter people from doing things they shouldn’t.

2. Apprehension (Noun) : भयanxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen

Synonyms: dread, fearfulness, anxiety, worry

Antonyms: confidence, calmness, certainty

 Example Sentence:I am feeling a great deal of apprehension after learning that we have a test tomorrow in my worst subject.

3.Stigma (Noun): कलंक: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person

Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour, stain

Antonyms: honour, credit

 Example Sentence: Often people are afraid to admit they have a mental illness because of the stigma attached to psychiatric disorders.

4. Decry (Verb): निंदा: publicly denounce; to criticize something as  bad, without value, or unnecessary

Synonyms: criticize, denigrate, denounce, condemn

Antonyms: applaud, laud, praise, extol

 Example Sentence: Several religious organizations have chosen to decry the obscene cartoon about Jesus.

5. Salient (Adjective): महत्त्वपूर्ण: noticeable or important

Synonyms: remarkable, prominent, striking

Antonyms: subtle, unremarkable, obscure

 Example Sentence:  She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal

6. Trample (Verb) : रौंदना: tread on and crush

Synonyms: stomp, walk over, crush, smash

Example Sentence: The girl walked lightly through the garden, carefully watching her feet so that she didn’t trample the beautiful flowers.

7. Ingenious (Adjective): रचनात्मक: having the skill and imagination to create new things

Synonyms: inventive, innovative, creative

Antonyms: imitative, uninventive, unskilful

 Example Sentence:  With how skilled my chess opponent was, it would take an ingenious strategy to defeat him, and a fair amount of luck.

8. Littoral (Noun) : नदी के किनारे: relating to or situated on the shore of the sea or a lake.

Synonyms: coastal, offshore, nearshore

 Example Sentence: With water pollution on the rise, new training on clean-up measures were introduced to littoral areas in hopes that improvements would be made.

9. Squandered (Verb) : गंवाना: waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.

Synonyms: waste, misspend, misuse

Antonyms: conserved, preserved

 Example Sentence:  Eddie has a tendency to squander his entire allowance on comic books and movies.

10. Subjugate (Verb) : अधीन करना: bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.

Synonyms: subdue, conquer, dominate

Antonyms: liberate, emancipate, enfranchise

 Example Sentence:  The manager tried to subjugate the employees into working late by threatening to fire them. 


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