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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 25-03-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1. Dysfunctional (Adjective) not operating normally or properly

Synonyms: troubled, unsettled, unstable

Antonyms: proper, in order, functional

Example Sentence: It was, perhaps, his dysfunctional sleep pattern that caused him distress.

2. Dwindle (Verb) : कम होना : to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number (decrease gradually)

Synonyms: reduce, decrease, diminish, lower, lessen

Antonyms: increase, expand, augment, enlarge

Example Sentence: Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.

3. Morph (Verb): परिवर्तन : to take on a different shape, appearance, or state

Synonyms: transform, change, transfigure

Example Sentence: When it emerged from its chrysalis, the caterpillar morphed into a striking butterfly.

4. Parry (Noun) : बचाव: ward off (a weapon or attack) with a countermove

Synonyms: evade, dodge, escape, avoid

Antonyms: face, deal with, encounter

Example Sentence: If you were actually facing something sharp,you would be much more  worried it and so would probably parry more.

5. Slander (Verb) : झूठी निंदा करना: make false and damaging statements about (someone).

Synonyms: defame, insult, libel

Antonyms: glorify, honor, praise

Example Sentence:The court system is used to resolve land disputes and slander cases, but problems are usually settled within the family or village.

6. Flaccid (Adjective) : नरम : not stiff in structure ; weak

Synonyms: soft, loose, flabby

Antonyms: rigid, stiff, inflexible

Example Sentence: Paralyzed muscles lost tone and became flaccid.

7. Enigma (Noun) : पहेली : a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand

Synonyms: puzzle, riddle, mystery, paradox

Example Sentence: Sadly, the little girl’s disappearance continues to be an enigma.

8. Pinnacle (Noun) : हठ : the highest or most successful point of something

Synonyms: peak, summit, zenith, acme

Antonyms: nadir, bottom

Example Sentence: Virat is at the pinnacle of his cricketing career

9. UNACCEPTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वीकार्य): intolerable

Synonyms: insufferable, unsatisfactory

Antonyms: acceptable

Example Sentence:

His behaviour was unacceptable.

10.THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish

Synonyms: prosper burgeon

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

Education groups tend to thrive on organization.


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