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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 28-03-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1. Jurisprudence (Noun): विधिशास्त्र : the study of law and the principles on which law is based.

 legislation, law, rules, regulations

Example Sentence: Even in high school, Peter read a great deal on jurisprudence because he knew he wanted to become a lawyer.

2. Clemency (Noun) : दया: disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due

 mercy, gentleness, leniency, kindness

ruthlessness, strictness, mercilessness

Example Sentence: The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.

3. Botch (Verb): carry out (a task) badly or carelessly, to spoil a task

 bungle, fumble, mess up, screw up

Antonyms: accomplish, achieve

Example Sentence: We botched (up) our first attempt at wallpapering the bathroom.

4. Fisticuffs (Noun) : मुक्के बाज़ी : fighting with fists.

 fistfight, brawl, ruction

Example Sentence: The teacher stood between the two angry boys just as they raised their hands to participate in fisticuffs.

5. Alms (Noun) : दान : a gift of money or its equivalent to a charity, humanitarian cause, or public institution

 donation, contribution, benefaction

Example Sentence: If not for the alms given to him by charitable groups, the man would have died of hunger.

6. Traduce (Verb) : बदनाम करना : speak badly of or tell lies about (someone) so as to damage their reputation.

Synonyms: defame, slander, speak ill of

Antonyms: honor, exalt, applaud

Example Sentence: The crooked politician paid a newspaper editor to traduce his rivals.

7. Engender (Verb) : उत्पन्न होना: cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition)

 create, generate, cause

Antonyms: impede, restrict, quash

Example Sentence: It helps engender a sense of common humanity.

8. Electrocution (Noun) : बिजली से मृत्यु  : injury or killing of someone by electric shock

Synonyms: execute, put-to-death

Example Sentence: The hairdryer poses an electrocution hazard if it is dropped in water.

9. Mercenary (Adjective) : लालच : having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions

Synonyms: greedy, avaricious, acquisitive

Antonyms: altruistic, charitable

Example Sentence: She’s interested in him for purely mercenary reasons.

10. Resounding (Adjective) : शानदार experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or delight

Synonyms: delight, joyful

Antonyms: sad, unhappy, joyless

Example Sentence:The astronaut was welcomed with joyous, resounding acclaim.


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