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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 07-03-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1-Jostled(Verb) : धक्रका देना: To knock or push roughly against someone in order to move

Synonyms : Hustle , Scramble

Antonyms : Retard

Example Sentence: She was cheered and clapped by tourists who jostled to see her.

2-Disdain(Noun) : तिरस्कार: A feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior

Synonyms : Scorn , Derision

Antonyms : Admiration , Respect

Example Sentence: He disdained all people less well educated than himself.

3-Frenetic(Adjective) : अतिउत्तेजित : Marked by fast and energetic, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity

Synonyms : Wild , Frantic

Antonyms : Calm

Example Sentence:One of the things I do feel about today's films is that they are too frenetic.

4-Sweepstakes(Noun): A form of betting in which the winner gets all the money bet by everyone else

Synonyms: Gambling , Raffle

Example Sentence: Sweepstakes winners will enjoy a week-long stay in luxury accommodations in Las Vegas.

5-Dogged(Adjective) : हठी : Very determined to continue doing something

Synonyms: Tenacious , Obstinate

Antonyms : Hesitant , Flexible

Example Sentence: Her dogged determination to uncover the truth about the scandal led to her winning a reporting prize.

6-Jubilation (Noun) : आनंदोत्सव: a feeling of great happiness and triumph

Synonyms: joy, glee, cheer, happiness

Antonyms: despondency, disappointment, sadness, sorrow,

Example Sentence: Exam results day may bring jubilation or despair to thousands of Swindon youngsters next month.

7-Allocation(Noun) : बंटवारा: An amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purpose

Synonyms: Allotment , Issuance

Antonyms : Keep , Withhold

Example Sentence: The allocation of space in this office is unusual.

8-Entitlement(Noun) : अधिकार : A situation in which you have the right to do or have something

Synonyms : Prerogative , Privilege

Example Sentence: Governments create entitlements due to public demand for them, and public demand exists where the need is not filled.

9-Procured(Verb) : प्राप्त करना : To get something, especially after an effort

Synonyms: Acquire , Annex

Antonyms : Lose , Forfeit

Example Sentence: We procured maps and directions from the tourist office.

10-Flawed(Adjective) : त्रुटिपूर्णA defect or imperfection

Synonyms: Inaccurate , Distorted

Antonyms : Perfect , Flawless

Example Sentence: These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.


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