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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 08-03-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1-Verdict (Noun) : निर्णयThe decision that is made by a specially chosen group of people (the jury) in a court of law, which states if a person is guilty of a crime or not

Synonyms: Judgment , Decision

Antonyms: Allegation , Accusation

Example Sentence:  The jury reached a guilty verdict.

2-Vested (Adj.) : निहित : Held completely, permanently, and inalienably. vested rights

Example Sentence:  The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary.

3-Plenary (Adj.) : पूर्ण: (used about meetings, etc.) that should be attended by everyone who has the right to attend

Synonyms: Full , Complete

Antonyms : Incomplete , Limited

Example Sentence:  One of the speakers at the launch presented the important themes during the final plenary session.

3-Intent (Noun): इरादा: What somebody intends to do

Synonyms: Purpose , Objective

Antonyms: Flexible , Indefinite

Example Sentence:  Her intent gaze was inquisitive, her eyebrows raised in a silent question.

4-Regimes (Noun) : शासनों: A method or system of government, especially one that has not been elected in a fair way

Synonyms: Reign , Administration

Antonyms: Anarchy

Example Sentence:  The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison.

5-Reciprocity (Noun) : परस्पर का The quality or state of being reciprocal : mutual dependence, action, or influence

Synonyms: Mutualism , Cooperation

Example Sentence:  Various proposals on the part of Canada for a renewal of the reciprocity were not entertained.

6-Defamation (Noun) : मानहानि: The act of communicating false statements about a person that injure the reputation of that person

Synonyms: Disparagement , Aspersion

Antonyms: Flattery , Praise

Example Sentence: The newspaper was sued for defamation after publishing lies about a celebrity.

 7-Flout (Verb): अवज्ञा करना: To refuse to obey or accept something

Synonyms: Defy , Disregard

Antonyms: Approve , Compliment

Example Sentence: The orchestra decided to flout convention/tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.

8-Conviction(Noun) : आस्था : Strong belief or opinion

Synonyms: Faith , Sentiment

Antonyms : Disbelief

Example Sentence : It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.

9-Acquitted(Verb) : निर्दोष साबित होना : Persons who have been declared not guilty of a crime

Synonyms : Exonerated , Excused

Antonyms : Guilty , Accused

Example Sentence : None of the acquitted received any kind of compensation or redress.

10-Elapsed(Verb) : व्‍यतीत होना : Pass, go by

Synonyms: Ended , Finished

Antonyms : Alive , Exixting

Example Sentence : Thirty minutes elapsed before the performance began.


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